EMV Devices


Prevent Fraud

If you are not accepting EMV, you are leaving your business vulnerable to counterfeit credit card fraud.

Reduce Liability

The latest version of RM not only works with EMV terminals, but it’s also PA-DSS certified, which reduces liability for data security breaches.

Avoid Fines

You can be fined up to $20,000 per occurrence if your POS system doesn’t accept Mastercard’s new credit cards with updated Bank Identification Numbers (BIN).

EMV is a payment method based upon a technical standard for smart payment cards and for payment terminals and automated teller machines that can accept them. EMV cards are smart cards (also called chip cards or IC cards) that store their data on integrated circuits in addition to magnetic stripes (for backward compatibility). These include cards that must be physically inserted (or "dipped") into a reader and contactless cards that can be read over a short distance using radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology. Payment cards that comply with the EMV standard are often called Chip and PIN or Chip and Signature cards


Visa and MasterCard have developed standards for using EMV cards in devices to support card not present transactions over the telephone and Internet. MasterCard has the Chip Authentication Program (CAP) for secure e-commerce. Its implementation is known as EMV-CAP and supports a number of modes. Visa has the Dynamic Passcode Authentication (DPA) scheme, which is their implementation of CAP using different default values. Support EMV chip card transactions with tip adjustment, accept Mastercard’s new BIN cards and ensure compliance with PCI’s new TLS requirements. Upgrade to EMV today to stay ahead of the curve!